Zodiak CoCommission is a production category which aims to facilitate Zodiak’s co-productions taking place in Dance House Helsinki.

Our goal is to take the aesthetics of big stages to the 2020s without compromising the hard core of contemporary art.

Proposals should be artistically original and committed to the field of contemporary dance, or ideas that invite a wider audience to experience dance from a contemporary perspective. The Helsinki premieres of the next CoCommission co-productions will take place between 2026 and 2027. Please note that Zodiak CoCommission category is reserved to applicants based in Finland. 

Due to the long timeframe, the CoCommission production category will be curated in a dialogical way. This means in practice:

  • choreographers and artist groups can apply for the CoCommission category with their work ideas twice a year (deadlines in October and in April).
  • The form for the next application period will open shortly after the previous application deadline, so in practice there is flexibility to submit applications, but proposals will be processed after the deadline.
  • Zodiak may also contact choreographers/teams/partners between application periods and will seek to engage in dialogue with artists
  • decisions on the outcome of the reflections and discussions for each period will be communicated to applicants by the end of January (October application) and the end of August (April application).
  • Following the selection decision, further discussions will take place between Zodiak and the choreographer/team on the artistic and production possibilities, objectives and constraints of the collaboration and the idea for the work. As the production process progresses, it will be assessed together with the working group whether the work can realistically be realised within the framework of the CoCommission category, or whether it should take place on a smaller scale.

CoCommission support includes:

  • a tailor-made production process and residency programme
  • financial support for part of the artistic and administrative work. The amount of the production support will be specified during the production process. For example, in 2024 the level of support will be around EUR 40 000.
  • mentoring support and partnership with Zodiak to clarify the idea for the work
  • support for finding partners outside the metropolitan area

The aim is to have 4 to 8 performances at Dance House Helsinki (big or small stage). The audience target for CoCommission is 1 700–2 800 people, depending on the venue.

The deadline for spring CoCommission applications is Monday, 15 April 2024. Please use this form to submit your application to this category:

Zodiak's co-production contracts changed in early 2021. Contracts are no longer concluded with private individuals, but Zodiak's contractual partner must be a legally registered entity that can invoice Zodiak for co-production support. In Zodiak Laboratory category, a fee can also be paid to an individual.

At the time of concluding the co-production agreement, the working groups selected for CoProduction productions must have a background association, sole trader, cooperative or limited liability company. Note! You can apply in this call even if you do not have such background community yet. Zodiak supports selected workgroups in finding or creating a background community, if needed.

For more infromation, please contact:

Jenni-Elina von Bagh, Artistic Director, jenni-elina@zodiak.fi