Elina Pirinen’s course invites you to explore embodiment, physicality, movement, mentality, and thinking through a phantasmatic lens. This exploration unfolds through various improvisatory and durational practices that sensitise the anatomy, as well as through exercises that engage the imagination intertwined with the body’s inner drama.

Throughout the course, participants delve into their subconsciousness and movement technique in a safe pedagogical setting, surrounded by different music pieces. Guided by varied tasks, we navigate the depths of profound joy, libidinal connections, intuition, magic, nonsense, wildness, self-amusement, liberation, and fantastical whims. We allow dance to manifest in diverse forms, carrying different meanings, aesthetics, qualities, events, situations, and temperaments, serving as both a subjective and collective force. 

Elina Pirinen is an internationally acclaimed artist living in Helsinki and by the lake Kalliojärvi. Her artistic practice and expression are rooted in dance art, alternative rock compositions, experimental writing, and feminist art pedagogy. Pirinen’s works have been performed worldwide, and in 2022, she received the State Prize for the Performing Arts from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike). As a pedagogue, Pirinen contributes to the Theatre Academy of Uniarts Helsinki, the Degree Programme in Theatre (NÄTY) of Tampere University, the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in Vilnius, Sukset Ristiin Susirajalla Summer Academy of Multidisciplinary Art, and Zodiak – Center for New Dance. Pirinen also creates art rock music with her orchestra, Al2Be3, and dedicates time to volunteer work in animal welfare. Visit www.elinapirinen.com for more information.

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Indulge the Movement – Contemporary dance for all courses are mainly instructed by the choreographers and performers of Zodiak’s previous, current and upcoming season’s programme of performances. Indulge the Movement courses are suitable for everyone, and you can participate even without previous dance experience. Indulge the Movement – Contemporary dance for all courses focus on motion and movement, but they also offer an opportunity to explore different dance practices with alternating instructors.

The language of this course is Finnish and / or English, according to the needs of the participants.