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Welcome to exploration of the deep wisdom of the body on four Mondays!

The Body as the Guide workshop is intended to improve the participants' capacity for presence, relaxation, self-awareness and sensation. Methods used in the workshop include breathing exercises and elements from the Authentic Movement and TRE methods (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises). TRE activates the body's natural recovery mechanism, which releases deep muscle tensions, while the Authentic Movement methods meditates on the personal experience through movement, posture, drawing and perception. No preliminary skills are required.

Ph.D. of Dance Studies, dancer and TRE instructor Kirsi Törmi has made an extensive career as a dancer and a choreographer. She also worked as the artistic director of the Routa Company from 2002 to 2011. She currently works as a freelance dancer/choreographer and as a part-time researcher in the ArtsEqual project. In August 2016, Kirsi will start as the artistic director of the Full Moon Dance Festival in Pyhäjärvi. She is also in the apprenticeship stage in gestalt therapy studies in the Gestalt Institute of Scandinavia.

TRE (Tension, Stress & Trauma Releasing Exercises) is an easy-to-learn stress release method based on the body's biological and neurological capacity to recover from stressful situations. The exercise triggers the natural recovery mechanism that starts as a shaking or trembling of the muscles. The exercise begins with simple series of movements used to launch the trembling that relaxes the body.

As deep muscle tensions are released, a shift towards a comprehensive reorganisation that integrates physical sensations, emotions and the mind starts in the body. The exercise has potential to trigger a profound process that also helps to control stress in the present moment. After the course the exercises can be performed independently at home. TRE groups and individual guidance are also available.

Authentic Movement is an improvisational movement method that meditates on the personal experience through movement and interaction. It is based on spontaneous motion with another person present as an eyewitness. Movement is performed with eyes closed, which makes the sensation and experience of movement deeper. The Authentic Movement method was invented in the 1960s, when dance therapist Mary Whitehouse combined expressive dance and the Jungian notion of active imagination. 

Mondays at 18-20, 10 October - 31 October
Instructor: Kirsi Törmi
Location: Zodiak Studio C4
Duration: 4 sessions / 8 hours
Participation fee: 60 €
Enrolment by 25.9.
Cancellations by 3.10.

Availability is limited, so sign up in time! Welcome letters and invoices are sent to participants immediately after registration closes. Cancellations must be communicated no later than seven days before the course begins. With the exception of injuries and illnesses certified in writing by a doctor, cancellations made later than seven days before the course or workshop are subject to full course fee.

Please bring a receipt of your course payment to the first meeting of your course. Zodiak's courses and workshops can also be paid using pre-paid Liikuntaseteli and Kulttuuriseteli vouchers (Smartum Oy) as well as Virikeseteli vouchers (Edenred Oy).

For further inquiries, please contact Inari Pesonen at or 050 412 7116 (weekdays from 11 am to 4 pm).