Zodiak invites five people excited about and interested in contemporary dance to explore our spring 2024 programme.

The bubble crew visits the premieres of the season and tells shortly about their experiences to Zodiak. Zodiak shares the thoughts on our different social-media platforms during the performance seasons.

As a part of the bubble crew you’ll get to take a deep dive into the world of contemporary dance, see what happens behind the curtains and discuss the performances in like-minded company.

As a part of the bubble crew:

  • You get to see Zodiak’s season 2024 premieres for free.
  • You get to take part in the activities planned for the bubble crew only.
  • You get to be surrounded by the like-minded company and share your thoughts about the performances you experience!

Please make sure, before you apply:

  • You are able to attend the start meeting on Saturday the 3rd of February in the Side Step Festival.
  • You have time to watch at least 3 of the premieres (if you cannot attend the premiere, you can see the performance on some of the first dates of the season).
  • You are ready to share your experiences by talking or by writing. You do not need to show your face in our social media if you do not wish.

Apply to join teh Bubble Crew by filing out our application form by December 31, 2023 here: https://forms.gle/caSd74ceK8YHmPTQ9