Queer means odd or strange. It is a term of political solidarity for all who are not heterosexual, monogamous and obedient. A cousin of punk feminism, queer is a political and aesthetic strategy of disruption and disobedience. It is also an attitude towards the body, especially its sex and gender. 

The workshop will propose several approaches to making and breaking performance. Workshop participants will dance, play, study, improvise and compose, make and break, alone and in collaboration. The goal is to invent new rules of engagement and expand the contexts for performance. 

In addition practices from Hennessy’s and Hindi’s Turbulence project will support the concluding public action after the workshop. Turbulence is a dance about the economy premiered at the TBA Festival in Portland September 2012. It is a research laboratory for studies of value, hierarchy, exchange, debt, resistance, exploitation, structure and collapse. 

The workshop has been realized with the support of the DEPARTS network. DEPARTS is funded by the European Commission (Culture Programme).

TIME: Monday to Friday 4.–8.2. at 10:00–15:00 + Open doors, performing for the public (voluntary) 8.2. 17:00

PLACE: Zodiak studio C4, Kaapelitehdas | Cable Factory

FEE: 150€

Last date for enrolments and withdrawals is seven days prior to the beginning. After this date, refunds for withdrawals are only possible in case of illness with doctor’s certificate required. Without a certificate, course fee is due in full amount. Further information: katja.kirsi@zodiak.fi

Enrolment by 21.1.2013.

For professional dancers, choreographers & performers.