Designing the End is an imagination of the future. It is an attempt to accept and understand something greater than ourselves. The work is a montage born out of thoughts of the past, present and future.

In the landscape

                                                   In a misty haze 

The roots intertwine, wrapping an oasis 
They sway 

                                                   Finding a cloak of colour 

They die
They are born 

The light in between grows dimmer 
A beaten path has rid all travellers 

Designing the End discusses the end of our current civilisation, and the contemporary human’s obsession over their imagined death.

The work is composed of sketches of imagined future realities, both on the micro and macro levels. How far can we take our thoughts on designing the end of the world and our own death? How can we remain righteous and empathetic in a changing world? What kind of a story will be told about us in the future?

Designing the End turns the gaze towards the future –– into a world where collapse, climate crises, and injustice are accompanied by love, happiness, and humanity.

Rather than accept that ‘civilization’ is dead, we need to struggle to create one that is truly civilized.” Mann & Wainwright, Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future (2018)


Concept: Broas & Nyberg
Working group: Ville Aalto, Jenna Broas, Hanne Jurmu, Aino Kontinen and Fabian Nyberg
Supported by: Finnish Cultural Foundation, Svenska kulturfonden, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Stiftelsen Tre Smeder, Konstsamfundet
Residency support: Saaren Kartano / Kone Foundation, Old Mine Residency Outokumpu