FRACPTURING bends time, injects fluorescent light into darkness, loops and mixes physical with virtual presences.
FRACPTURING is a performance about dance in the times of screen culture.
FRACPTURING is a choreography that crashes the black box with a glassy screen world. The work explores the screen as an entity that exists materially, in front of our faces and under our fingers, as well as cognitively, in our thinking and daily world-making, also leaking its presence into the world of dance.
During the process of creating this work we have speculated that the screens have become such a familiar cultural object that their hypnotic content (cultural, political, commercial and social) makes one forget that the world inside the screen is indeed separated through a glassy surface. Screen is always close to the body, extension of the body, and always turned on.
In the process of making FRACPTURING we have been interested in several questions. First, how does the presence of screen culture affect dance making and dance viewing? Second, what happens to notions of dance or live performance when they also become part of value creation and a system of attention economy through the screen? Third, what does dispersed attention in spectatorship do to the methods of a dance production?
FRACPTURING captures and fragments bodies, it accelerates and layers flows of images, loops and mixes physical with virtual presences. It injects fluorescent light into darkness, bends time, distorts voices and sounds. FRACPTURING is a performance about dance in the times of screen culture.
You can find a short interview with Dash Che and Suvi Tuominen in our Päiväkirja (Diary).
Listen to Dash's and Suvi's discussion in Zodiak Presents podcast (this link is to Spotify).
After the last performance on 14.10 there will be an extended audience engagement session. The session welcomes everyone who attended the performance, no prior preparation needed, only the desire to be present and explore. The session is facilitated by Patricia Scalco, a social anthropologist interested in interdisciplinary work, social and intercultural aspects of emotions, representation practices and audience-performer dynamics and aftercare practices.

(PhD, UK - MA, Turkey). Currently: University Researcher - Irritation Research Group. Faculty of Social Sciences- University of Helsinki
Choreography, dramaturgy and performance: Dash Che & Suvi Tuominen
Media art and performance: Sini Henttu
Sound art and performance: Oula Rytkönen
Mentor: Patricia Scalco
Technical support: Johannes Vartola & Eero Alava
Production: Zodiak - Center for New Dance, Suvi Tuominen
Supporters: Vivicas Vänner theatre foundation, Arts Promotion Center, Kone Foundation
Residencies: Zodiak Laboratory, Esitystaiteen seura (Live art society), Ehkä-production & Contemporary Art Space Kutomo