Zodiak and Kampnagel Hamburg coproduce the new creation Colour, Colour by choreographer Jana Unmüßig from Berlin. The working group includes dancers Hanna Ahti, Gabriela Aldana-Kekoni, Eeva Muilu and Sofia Simola, and renowned visualists, lighting designer Heikki Paasonen and costume designer Janne Renvall.
Jana Unmüßig’s choreographies combine compositional thinking and sensual awareness. Her captivating works are based on reduced movement language and stage actions that create a heightened sense of awareness and perception for the spectators.
Unmüßig has worked as choreographer and resident artist in several dance centers in Europe and North America. Currently, she is making an artistic PhD thesis at the Theatre Academy of Finland.
Choreography Jana Unmüßig
Dance Hanna Ahti, Gabriela Aldana-Kekoni, Eeva Muilu, Sofia Simola
Lighting/Technical director Heikki Paasonen
Costume design Janne Renvall, Jana Unmüßig
Dramaturgical support Shoji Kato
Producer Alexandra Wellensiek
Photo Jana Unmüßig
Production Zodiak - Center for New Dance, Kampnagel (Hamburg), Jana Unmüßig
Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Kulturbehörde/ Ministry of Culture Hambourg, Finnland Institut Berlin, Generalkonsulat von Finnland, Hambourg and Goethe Institut Helsinki
In cooperation with HIAP (Helsinki International Artist Programme)
Post-performance discussion 26.3
Tickets 22/14 €