Zodiak supports the artistic development of dance professionals by offering training, mentoring and residence opportunities. We provide support for creative work, dance productions, dance-based art projects and networking. With its co-production model, Zodiak enables annually 300–400 artistic tasks for the freelance dance sector in Finland.

Zodiak’s co-production model is unique in the field of Finnish performing arts. Instead of employing choreographers, dancers or other personnel to work on ideas and performances already decided on by someone else, Zodiak provides production support for independent artistic workgroups and their own creative projects. Zodiak’s co-production support is paid in the form of workgroup salaries.

Zodiak supports the development of contemporary dance and performing arts through progressive programming and different forms of collaboration. Zodiak provides support for workgroups and artists selected into its offering of performances in the planning and rehearsal phase as well as the time after the performance season. Zodiak’s artistic director engages in dialogue with the workgroups in the rehearsal stage and participates in the rehearsals as a dialogue partner.

Zodiak also employs artists through audience work projects and as course and workshop instructors. Guided by our core values, our audience work is based on art and the artists, and develops new content to the field of contemporary dance.

Zodiak offers dance professionals high-grade, supplementary and advanced-level courses and workshops that focus on various techniques and methods in contemporary dance and performing arts. The annual Workshop Festival and the national Kiertoliike forum for dance professionals are examples of opportunities for professional development offered by Zodiak.

Zodiak works to develop the production structures of dance-based art into more sustainable and stable forms. One important way to achieve this is participation in co-productions with other producers. Zodiak also develops the structures of dance-based art through cultural-political advocacy and by making suggestions of members for the committees of Arts Promotion Centre Finland when requested.