The workshop is the fourth version of this long artistic research by Beniamino Borghi about gender and migration: a project that meets the expressive gestures of physical theatre and dance techniques for expressing stories of people that have been in the margins of the society for their gender identity and/or for their ethnicity and cultural background.

What the movements say about you? How do you stand, sit, talk and watch the others? How you interact with others? Still in many of our countries there are prejudices, intolerance and ignorance towards diversity. In many countries people have to hide their inner identities and to become empty shells that could follow the norms and the rules of the gender binary and misogynist society.

The aim of the project is to give the opportunity to the participants to tell their stories and find a way to translate in movements their emotions. Participants have to be comfortable to talk and research about gender fluidity, privileges and been marginalized.

The workshop is intended for people of any gender, of all ages and with or without any performance experiences. The course is held in English and Finnish. 

The previous versions of NoCore have produced a live performance (on stage or outdoor) as result of the workshop. For this version the artistic team has decided to create a short Dance Film (15 min) and/or a multimedia installation with videos and sounds that are collected from the ideas of the participants. Participating in the shootings of the multimedia material is voluntary. Extra rehearsals and shooting dates to be confirmed.

Perjantai-Sunnuntai 4.-6.10. & 15.-17.11., perjantaisin klo 18-20, lauantaisin ja sunnuntaisin klo 11-15
Ohjaaja: Beniamino Borghi
Paikka: Zodiak studio C4
Kesto: 20 h
Kurssimaksu: 170 euroa
Ilmoittautuminen 19.9. mennenssä. HUOM! ilmoittautumista on jatkettu 26.9. saakka. Vielä mahtuu mukaan!
Ilmoittautuminen täällä.

Tämä työpaja on ilmainen maahanmuuttajille ja pakolaisille. Työpajan toteuttavat yhteistyössä TanssiARTesaani ja Zodiak - Uuden tanssin keskus. NoCore työpajaa ja esityksiä tukevat Suomen Kulttuurirahasto ja Taiteen edistämiskeskus.  

Beniamino Borghi (b. 1978) born in Milan, is a dancer, choreographer and media artist. He has danced since the age of eight and masters several dance techniques including tap dance, ballet, modern-jazz, contemporary and contact. He graduated as Interior designer and at the same time attended several workshops for professional dancers lead by relevant choreographers: David Hernandez, Ted Stoffer, Koshro Adibi, Inaki Azpillaga, David Zambrano, Tero Saarinen and DV8 Physical Theatre. He has worked as a dance teacher and choreographer for amateurs group (LODC in Loviisa) as well as professionals (Boomtown Dance and Kaakon Tanssi ry in Kotka). At the moment Beniamino is the artistic director of the dance company tanssiARTesaani.

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Lisätiedot ja tiedustelut: Tiia Kekäläinen,, p. 041 319 8722 (arkisin klo 11-16)