This workshop provides a queer terrain through which you can research and practice an object-orientated ontology within a wilderness of wood, axes, electronics, rope, lube and the bare body. Together with our assemblage of vibrant materials we will practice a poetics of re-orientating the hierarchy of thinking and sensing to build a new and exciting rapport with the material and immaterial world.

This workshop is open to all artists who are interested to question their own dominance of desire and take pleasure in the existence of dynamic interactions between objects (all bodies) that remain irreducible to one another. Beginning from a premise that bodies have no inherent biological truth beyond the technologies that produce them a space is opened for fluid transformation and flux of known and yet unknown gendering and embodiment.

Working with performance strategies that engage with the nature of artifice, wilderness and queer embodiment, the time together will encounter conversation and practice accompanied by a spectrum of discourses including Jane Bennet’s theory of vibrant matter. The workshop includes playful research on intimacy and aesthetics of sexuality in Contemporary Dance Performance contexts today.

* Participants are invited to inhabit together the terrain and practices developed in the performance work «Biofiction» presented the same evening in Side Steps festival.

Perjantai 1.2. klo 10-14
Paikka: Stoa, teatterisali (Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki)
Kesto: 4 h
Kurssimaksu: 50 euroa

Simone Aughterlony (CH/DE) is an independent artist based and supported in Zurich and Berlin, working predominantly in dance and performance contexts. Over the last fifteen years, Simone she has been devising and producing choreographic works. As a performer she has worked with artists such as Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods, Forced Entertainment and Jorge León, Phil Hayes amongst others. In 2015 «Supernatural», a collaboration with artists Antonija Livingstone and Hahn Rowe premiered in American Realness while in the same year the performance project «Uni * Form», devised by Jorge León and Simone premiered at Zuercher Theater Spektakel. Alongside an extensive tour of these works and the «Biofiction Trilogy» of which «Biofiction» is the third part, Simone is currently researching ideas around the stranger and developing the large scale work «Maintaining Stranger» which will premiere at Gessnerallee in February 2019 as well as the companion work «Remaining Strangers» destined to premiere at HAU Hebbel am Ufer in 2020.

Engaging with alternative forms of kinship, inside her process new constellations of family emerge as possibilities for reconfiguring a culture of togetherness that foster both familiar and unknown quantities. Her works playfully compose with representation and its saturation, seeping into and embracing the phenomenology of mis-recognition and the absurd. Simone
approaches the performance genre as a world building practice where she navigates the contradiction between the domination of desire alongside the agency of all elements.

* * * * *

Varmista paikkasi kurssille ilmoittautumalla hyvissä ajoin. Kurssikirje ja -lasku lähetetään osallistujille heti ilmoittautumisajan umpeuduttua sähköpostitse. Jos laskua tai kirjettä ei löydy sähköpostistasi niin muistathan tarkistaa myös sähköpostisi roskapostikansion.

Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Mahdolliset peruutukset on tehtävä viimeistään viimeisenä ilmoittautumispäivänä klo 18 mennessä sähköpostilla Tarkista kurssin viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä ylempää tältä sivulta. Tämän jälkeen peruutuksesta peritään kurssimaksu kokonaisuudessaan, ellei osallistujalla ole esittää lääkärintodistusta.

Zodiakin järjestämiä kursseja ja työpajoja voi maksaa myös kulttuuri- ja liikuntaseteleillä (Smartum Oy) sekä virikeseteleillä (Edenred Oy). Voit maksaa seteleillä kurssin ensimmäisellä kerralla tai tuoda setelit Zodiakin toimistoon sen aukioloaikoina (arkisin klo 11-16). Kursseja ei ole mahdollista maksaa käteisellä.

Lisätiedot ja tiedustelut: Elina Ruoho-Kurola,, p. 050 587 0470 (arkisin klo 11-16)