We dived our fleshy butts into the warm creek, water between our butt cheeks, cheeky business.
Inspiration from museum visit
We have started a new chapter for This Grace.
As we came here wanting to give ourselves to the practice and dedication of ´pleasure body´, to be effectuated and indulgent - now in the new situation of 3 x lady flesh and the fact that we find ourselves in this country hotel salon surrounded dramatically by landscape of snow (sometimes whirling in faint spirals), mountain creeks and the gorgeous sea -
We have found something else, new openings, and they are curious and pleasant enough that we want to continue to follow these, allow this moment to be a new beginning for the three of us in this work. We have found desire for welcoming that, to be playfully and dramatically affected by each other and the surroundings that do speak to us in poems of survival, mermaids, blueness, fleshy extravaganza, death, care and grace.
We are excited and wondrous!!!!!
black opera for a lion moon
Important question that we were busy with,
how to be self-pleasing in the practice, in the space
and still be belonging, together, in a joint ambition. To understand a way to, make that make sense: To be self-extravagant, but as part of a meadow that holds other desires than your own.
The idea of choreography as a garden to grow our extravaganza, the self-with-the-self, and the self with others.

Our first morning in our Zodiak/Sidestep residency in north Iceland,
our first working date with the space,
- we already moved a lot of chairs and tables, and when we have moved more chairs and tables this will be a fine studio/stage for THIS GRACE (variation with times and vibrations....)
We did a good shared practice together, met with our desires and wrote a bunch, physically informed flow of expressions.
KYRÖ ** ** * * * * * * Of course.
The residency takes place as a part of NREP – Nordic Residency Exchange Progamme